Wednesday, December 23, 2009

McLaughlin Christmas Letter 2009

Veni, Veni Emmanuel

I was reminded recently how all the world, not just Israel, was (is?) waiting for the Messiah to arrive. Redeemer, Savior, and King – come to save us from our own shame and darkness and to introduce us to His own peace and light. These days, we’re told to keep our ideology to ourselves. But – I find that hard, because it’s like learning about the cure to cancer or world hunger and then hiding it in my basement. So, I and others will probably continue sharing the cure while we can.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

Let me catch you up on the happenings in our family for 2009. This wasn’t as much of a travel year for us. However we did make the long trip to visit Florida during our mid-winter break. It was delightful to see how the kids took in the exotic world there. To manage the trip, we arranged a house swap where we stayed in another family’s home in Fort Myers. It was good to see Laura’s brothers Mark and John and John’s family for a really short visit on the way home to Vermont.

This was the first summer when all of the kids went to summer camp away from home. The three girls went to a Christian girls’ camp in Maine, and the two boys went to a Cub Scout camp in southern Vermont. In preparation for these camps, all the kids worked hard on becoming stronger swimmers. We also got in a couple camping trips to “our” state park (Ricker Pond SP in eastern VT).

In the pet department, we added Mowgli the cat as a little-appreciated companion to grumpy black Bagheera cat and we added Nellie the dog – half spaniel / half dachshund / all sweet.

James will turn 10 along with his brother and sisters on Dec 26th. He and our other fourth graders, Jenna and Philip, have started musical instruments this year, and his is the clarinet. His favorite book of the year is Boomtown, home of Chang’s Famous Fireworks factory. Favorite new sport: Downhill skiing. Proudest moment: Making it to his school’s geography bee finals in a nail-biting tie-breaker.

Philip is our #1 imp. In previous years, his favorite books have been the Calvin & Hobbes comic anthologies, but this year he turned more to the geeky Foxtrot comics. He dressed as a “blue screen of death” for Halloween this year (an idea from Foxtrot). Favorite computer games this year have been Dust, Lego Digital Designer (which Paul also has gotten into), and Fancy Pants. Favorite move: Iron Giant. Favorite hat: His Indiana Jones fedora. Instrument: Saxophone.

Merry is in third grade this year. She’s a spunky kid that has to work hard at reading and speech. She likes to play pretend games, she loves Egypt, Greek mythology, pottery and art. She also entertained the rest of us with her ant farm. Favorite book: Hugo Pepper. Favorite computer game: Dust. Favorite TV show: NOVA(!).

Jenna continues to be our gentle shy girl. She continues to be tallest of our fearsome foursome. She is also into skiing this year. She’s added the viola to playing the piano. Favorite book: Island of the Aunts. Favorite trip: The Florida trip. Favorite summer activities: Jumping on our trampoline and playing tetherball. She is a lover of all animals, cute and cuddly.

Robin has settled into high school life quite well. Her forte is music with piano, voice, and flute. She is also going strong with her classes. She landed a small part in her school’s Little Shop of Horrors. She says her favorite bock this year was Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge and Lord of the Flies (not). Her proudest moments involved doing the piano accompaniment of the middle school select chorus and the high school orchestra during their concerts.

Laura continues to be our masterful and mysteriously unsung homemaker and prime taxi driver. She works very hard to make the home a special home, and it shows. Every few years we have to reinvent part of our house, and 2009 hit the cycle nicely. She’s finally getting the basement transformed to include an entertainment area … in addition to ping pong, carpetball, Legos, etc.

Paul continues at IBM and is embroiled in a deliciously complex software project that’ll probably take us through 2012. I’ve also found myself serving as the cubmaster for the boys Scout pack. My mom died this year, and I know that mixture of joy for her new home and sadness that I’ll need to wait so long to see her again. Favorite book: The Next 100 Years (a geopolitical prediction for the 21st century … might even be the way it works out!). Favorite move: Star Trek (rocks!!!). Favorite computer game: Lego Digital Designer.

We’re always glad for the news we get from you, and we pray that you’re enjoying the presence, the arrival, of our Messiah.

Your friends,
The McLaughlins

Veni, Veni Emmanuel
Captivum solve Israel, Qui gemit in exilio, Privatus Dei Filio.
Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel, Nascetur pro te, Israel!

O Come, O Come Emmanuel
And rapture captive Israel. That mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!

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1 comment:

Stephanie Rawlins said...

love, love, love the news! miss you all and hope you have a Merry, Merry Christmas!