Saturday, April 3, 2010

So What If Jesus Rose from the Dead?

We went to a Saturday night Easter worship service just now, and it was outstanding! The main message was to answer the question, "So What?" Meaning, if you're one of the 80% of Americans who believe that Jesus really did rise from the dead, well, so what? What does that mean to me and how does it affect me? For good? For bad? For whatever?

You know, that's an important question to ask. We know that a high percentage of people that join us for worship are people with questions like that. On Easter, they could number close to 50% in our particular church.

Our church normally has five worship times. This week, we move location to the college gymnasium and do it all in two huge meetings. Wow, the energy was high! It reminded me of being in a choir where you start off with your own sections (maybe your school's section), and there are other sections nearby learning the same pieces ... and then you all come together for this huge sound. I wonder if it'll be like that in Heaven one day, with zillions of us sinners singing fortissimo about how Jesus fixed all our broken lives!

A couple other highlights of the evening: It was warm in the gym. If you happen to go to the Sunday morning service and read this before going: Bring water. (They do have water and other refreshments there, too.) And I never thought of it this way before, but yeah, the way we sing our songs is sorta like a "large group karaoke," I guess. (That's an example of how our pastor explained some things in our worship service to people visiting for the first time and feeling a little bit of vu-ja-day - the feeling like you've never seen this before - so that they might feel more at ease.)

Peace and Grace, to you all! He Is Risen! And it makes a difference to me.

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1 comment:

Pat Shutt said...

Hey Paul! I realize I'm coming to this discussion really late. So late that it's coming back around. I noticed that you asked the question, but I didn't see your answer. I also didn't see anyone else post an opinion, either. Hoping it's not too late to add my 2cents worth. To me, if Jesus really did rise from the dead, then it puts Him in a different category than ALL the other religious leaders. Lots of people have shared their view of life and death, but Jesus saw both sides, and then came back to report on it. It gives His other claims much more credibility than the others, IMHO.