Monday, August 2, 2010

Camping at Ricker Pond

We just returned from a fine week at Ricker Pond State Park in eastern Vermont. We did many of our normal activities (swimming, kayaking, biking, hiking), and added a couple new ones - swimming in a swimming hole nearby and bringing friends along. The swimming hole was a stream that flows from Groton Lake into Ricker Pond. James brought his friend Julian. And our family friend Alice joined us halfway through.

Click on the slideshow to see specific pictures and their captions.

This was also our first time to get a double campsite ... a cabin where the ladies slept and a tent for the guys next door.

I got new appreciation for how nice we have it. About a third of the campers at the park last week were from out of state. One fellow from Ontario that I spoke with says he keeps coming back to Ricker Pond because he likes the hills and mountains (which are lacking in his flat part of Ontario).

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